When you’re overwhelmed it zaps your energy, hijacks your decision making, and steals your joy. Most of us are overwhelmed and unaware of how it’s affecting us because we’ve been living this way for so long. When you begin to understand your stress, trauma, and triggers you can overcome them. When you overcome them you’ll receive energy, healing, and freedom that will bring peace and joy back to your life!
Overcoming Overwhelm with clinical psychologist Dr. Margaret Nagib will give you the mindset and practical tools needed to get you unstuck and back to joy.
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Overcome your overwhelm to live powerful and free
Life on this planet is stressful. Jesus Himself pulled no punches on this point. He said, “In this world you will have trouble.” But then He reminded us that we can face this trouble head-on: “But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NIV).
We were actually created not to be overcome by stress and difficulties, but to overcome them. All growth, success, and fruitfulness in our lives come through the process of struggle and hard work, which requires stress.
The key lies in learning to manage stress productively. This is a skill that comes as we build physical, emotional, and spiritual awareness of how stress is affecting us and how we’re engaging with it in our lives in healthy or unhealthy ways.
Overcoming Overwhelm is an amazing guide to help you grow in this awareness. Through this course, you will come to understand what stress is, how it affects your mind, body, and spirit, and how to recognize and address stress triggers. You will also learn about the nature of traumatic experiences, their effects, and what’s involved in recovering from them.
My friend Dr. Margaret Nagib, your instructor, brilliantly weaves together psychology, neuroscience, and a biblical understanding of body, soul, and spirit in her teaching. She not only articulates the concepts clearly, she also shows you how to apply them in simple and accessible ways that you can start to practice immediately.
So take heart! Jesus overcame so that you can overcome stress, triggers, and trauma, and become stronger, wiser, and more resilient in the process.